Quote Originally Posted by Pete Andrews View Post
This may not be the proper forum for this question, but there isn't a section ca lled "Crackpot theories vaguely connected with photography". ;^)

OK. Here goes .The theory that the right hemisphere of the brain is devoted to visual proc essing and creativity, while the left deals with language and logic, now seems t o be a pretty well established fact. It's also a physical fact that the left eye is connected directly to the creative right side of the brain, and vice versa.< br>Now, the author of a book I'm currently reading, suggests that, because of th is direct connection from the left-eye to the right-brain; using the left eye sh ould result in more awareness of aesthetics, composition, colour, etc.I'm na turally right-eyed, so I'm going to see if my pictures improve by deliberately v iewing with my non-dominant left eye.

Anyway, I'd like to know if anyone else has tried this, and whether you know if any study has shown that naturally left- eyed photographers or artists make more creative and stunning pictures?Furth er; if you consider yourself a creative genius, are you left-eyed?[Simple te st for which is your dominant eye: Hold your finger at arms length, and with bot h eyes open, line it up with an object in the distance. Now close one eye. If th e finger and object stay in line, then you've still got your dominant eye open. If the finger seems to jump out of line, then you've just closed your dominant e ye.]

Before you send round the guys in white coats. Yes, I do need a holiday, and I'll be taking one, as of tomorrow.
Funny timing, but I was just reading an educational newsletter today that included an article which said that the long-expressed ideas about left/right brain, language/logic/creativity has been determined to be way overblown, if not entirely bogus. As a totally-left-dominated, logical creative person (only written somewhat tongue-in-cheek), I've always been somewhat wary of the whole idea. I'm a firm believer in the idea of brains being extremely plastic, and of individual differences being more important than group similarities when it comes to al sorts of things, from intelligence to gender differences.

That said, there are clearly physiological pathways that are obviously real and the same in all, or at least the vast majority, of us. Thanks for the reminders about the fascinating connections between the eyes and the brain! I have a brother who suffered brain damage after a car accident. He needed therapy to get his eyes to match his perceptions again, or vice versa, or both, or something. It was hard enough, I'm sure, for him to understand. His explanations were baffling!