What concerns me in all of this is not the inevitable comparisons of film versus digital images. Both have their own special look.

My concern is where will this digital prominence lead us, say in the year 2059. Having been around awhile, I am using equipment that I purchased fifty years ago, for the majority of my work. I have made purchases along the way, but not many. That, of course, is due to the lack of great technological advances in film based photography over the last fifty years. When film and paper disappear, I will be out of business, but the beauty of aging is that both will be around as long as I will.

So, my question is, how many photographers invovlved with digital work find it necessary to make major purchases to keep abreast of technological changes. Will what you purchase today be useful in fifty years, ten years, five years?

Kirk, do you miss the days when a 90mm on a Calumet Wide was sufficient, or do you feel digital is giving your clients a better product? I think I know the answer, like all of us, former and present in your field, we strive to please the client and deliver accordingly. I have said this before, as a former commercial photographer I am relieved that I retired at about the time digital made an entrance. What little I comprehend about digital, I enjoy. For now, I will continue with what I understand best, silver.