some background info: I have a home made 6x17 camera, using a 90mm f6.8 angulon compour. I would like to use the camera as an enlarger, however the 17cm width is in actuallity outsid e the capability of my angulon. As the angulon is really not designed for this w idth i have a small light dropoff on the edges of my exposures, and the focus dr ops off at the edges a little. All my exposures are taken at F32 to maximise foc us across the frame. Although these limitations are tolerable for making the ini tial exposure on film, they would be multipled when i use the lens during enlarg ement.

My question is, would i be able to use a super angulon for both taking the photo and enlarging? Would this be an improvement over an angulon? Has anyone used a super angulon for enlarging 6x17cm or 5x7?