Is the Ordorless Fixer mentioned at really odorless ?

Will it be suitable for Pyrocat HD ? Will it require an acid stop bath ? (I currently use plain water and appreciate the simplicity and freedom from the smell of Acetic Acid).

Up to now, I have been making my own TF3 Alkaline fixer, using the formula found at Since the main ingredient is Ammonium Thiosulfate, it smells like both Ammonia and Sulfur. Having changed residence, I now have to deal with family members who have zero tolerance. I use a portion of the basement as a "darkroom", and there is no ventilation per se... I need to find an alternative, right away.

The "odorless" formula above contains Sodium Thiosulfate, which smells of sulfur. It also contains Acetic Acid. So how can it be odorless ? Although I "love the smell of Fixer in the morning", my family does not, and given my humble darkroom, I long for an odorless formula - preferably one which I can mix myself.