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Thread: Really, really Large Format Camera

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Really, really Large Format Camera

    Take a look at this guy's camera - it makes even the ULF cameras some of us use look very small.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Chapel Hill NC

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    if ever anyone needed a DSLR and some uprezzing software...

    seriously though, thanks for putting that up-

    here's another- good pictures, in as much as can be told from the video-
    good to see he still uses a tripod-

  3. #3

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    now that is large format, he seams a really inventive guy and I like his attitude to it all


  4. #4
    3d Visual Effects artist
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Culver City, CA

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    looks like fun! I have heard of other 'truck cameras' before, but haven't ever seen a video detailing one! :-D
    Daniel Buck - 3d VFX artist
    3d work:
    photography: -

  5. #5
    Hopelessly Lost
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    Pretty cool indeed. Anyone have any idea what his chemistry/emulsion was or what that lens was?

    Huh? Oh, right, keep moving.

  6. #6
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    He's doing in-camera Ilfochromes.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Austin TX

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    David I missed the Ilfochrome bit but I can't imagine using Ilfochrome chemistry while rolling a 12 to 15 inch diameter drum on the floor. (See the video). And the cost!

    Nate Potter, Austin TX.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Washington, D.C.

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    I also figured it had to be Ilfochrome because it's available in 50" wide rolls and I'm not even sure there are any other reversal color papers. Does anyone else still make a color reversal paper?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    New York City

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    What I really love is that it's not about the fact that he has a really big camera. He didn't build a really big camera so he could show people his really big camera. He didn't build the thing and then say: now what? He is a very thoughtful and smart guy. The camera is the result of his process. The camera didn't cause the photos, the camera is the result of the photos.

    The best thing for me is that he made the point that he takes time to look at his photos because decisions he makes about them go on to inform his future work. I had a teacher, Tad Yamashiro, who made us look at every single photo, that is you had to print and finish every single exposure and if you shot 35mm then you had to print and finish every single frame, and then hang them up on a wall and sit there and deal with them.

    The point is that you have to take responsibility for every single thing you do photographically. It's never acceptable to say that you don't know why you made an exposure. You always have to be smart and aware and take full responsibility. That's what this guy is doing. He's is thinking. Fantastic. Thinking is not the enemy of Art.

    Cheers all.

  10. #10
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Re: Really, really Large Format Camera

    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan Potter View Post
    David I missed the Ilfochrome bit but I can't imagine using Ilfochrome chemistry while rolling a 12 to 15 inch diameter drum on the floor. (See the video). And the cost!

    Nate Potter, Austin TX.
    Why not? When I was doing Cibachromes (when they were still called "Cibachromes"), I used drums on a rolling base. Rolling the drum on the floor or in a sink is another option, particularly if your drum is too big for the base. I still have those prints and I still have drums. I've been thinking I should make some more while I still can.

    There's no other color reversal paper available anymore. It's possible to reversal process RA-4 paper, but it seems a lot trickier than just using Ilfochrome.

    I figure he's spending around $100 an exposure, but if he's just making one exposure per outing, as he says he is in the video, that's not too bad for a day of photography. It's cheaper than 20x24" Polaroid.

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