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Thread: Forum Change Announcement

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Hermosillo, Sonora, MEXICO

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    I am a relatively new member, and my interest here is large format photography and related issues. I rarely read anything on the lounge.

    I have previously stated (another thread) that there is a need for an off-topic forum, although not un-moderated.

    While some might find disturbing to have this change, I think it is healthy for the forum to not get into theological & political discussions here that will not get us anywhere but raising up political & religious barriers among us. (color vs. b&w is enough! :-) )

    There are better places for such dialogs, I respect this decision.

    Best Regards
    Héctor Navarro Agraz

  2. #12
    Has Been LF Photographer
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Omaha, Nebraska

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    A wise decision.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Homewood, IL

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    I think the moderators have made a wise decision. The bitter feelings developed in the Lounge can't help but affect the tone of discussions in the other areas. This is just human nature. Your disk space and bandwidth are better used for large format photography. As Ken said above, it's not like the Internet is short of blogs and fora devoted to politics, religion, miscogeny, whatever. I come here for LFF, nothing else.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Scottsdale, AZ

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    The lounge made this entire forum look bad - it was embarrasing to read some of the posts. This is a photography forum and not a place to fight over religious or political views. I applaud the moderators.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Brooklyn, NY

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by Deane Johnson View Post
    A wise decision.
    A wise decision only because you were offended. What about everyone else in the Lounge that was enjoying their discussions?

  6. #16

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Thank god....ooops.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Washington, D.C.

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    I think you guys made the right call. I've seen other forums seriously damaged by endless political arguments that spill over into the other discussions. I see it here sometimes and agree it's better to focus the forum resources on what binds us together--the love of large format photography.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    No matter what people say, they will still find bias for or against other members from what is said in the lounge.

    If somebody insults or directly attacks your views on anything, you will (as human nature intended) feel the desire to be negative in return. By limiting the Lounge I think this will no longer be an issue.

    I don't think there are any two more volatile subjects than Religion and Politics (in some senses they are the same), other than film-vs-digital

    EDIT: Realised I'm echoing Rick here

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    White Lake, Ontario.

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    As an apolitical staunch Left Wing Conservative and God-fearing Atheist I applaude your move.....I think.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Forum Change Announcement

    Thank God.

    We can now all go back to photographing those neglected rocks and trees!
    We never have time to do it right, but we always seem to have time to do it again...

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