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Thread: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Washington, D.C.

    Re: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

    Polaroids? Type 55 is selling for over $5/sheet. I bought some Type 55, but I'm saving it for when I master the art. Maybe Arista EDU Ultra at less than 50 cents/sheet is a better choice.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

    You don't have to use Type 55. There is the 100 ASA black and white and there is the Type 52 - both of which are less expensive. The advantage to using Poloroid is the instant feedback.

    just my 2 cents.

    steve simmons

  3. #33
    I see in black and white.
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Webster City, Iowa

    Re: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

    Eh. Never been much of an instant feedback person. Polaroids are great, but when you can get a package of 50 sheets of Arista EDU Ultra for $20 it kinda makes the price of Polaroids look way, way too high. Developing right after shooting is instant enough for me.

    This coming weekend and the next one I will be working on getting everything set to do some printing and 'studio' work. My studio will be located upstairs in an unused room and will probably double as my photo equipment storage room as well. The room is larger with a very good natural light source (double window) and said window won't be too hard to block off completely when I want to use only artificial lighting. My darkroom is my crowning achievement for this year. It'll be about 12x12' in a basement that stays a constant 68 degrees during summer. I'll want a small heater during winter, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. By this time next year, if all goes well, I'll have plumbing in addition to a large space to work. The finished products (work prints, final prints, and negatives) will be properly stored upstairs in the studio due to the fact that the basement can get a little damp. The studio will also have a desk at which I can work.

    A lot of what I'm using for the studio and the darkroom is either being made by us or thrifted, which is making everything rather cheap. I never knew that the Salvation Army or Goodwill was a good place to go until I started looking for props for the studio. I now see used furniture stores in a whole new light.

    It's a lot of fun so far. May go down to the used furniture store today. Haven't been in a few weeks. Maybe they got some new stuff.

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

    Quote Originally Posted by steve simmons View Post
    At this point in your career I might encourage you to leave this forum, get a Polaroid back and some film and just play, experiment, and try things. You be the only judge. It seems that you may be beginning to get caught in defending yourself and, if so, this won't help your learning curve and creativity.

    steve simmons
    Defending yourself? Laugh it off! You've received more friendly posts here than old F...'s advice - no reason to leave, to defend what so ever. Learn what you want where you want as you want. That's not advice - that's your freedom from it.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

    I made my statement because she indicated she felt a need to defend herself. I did not question her feelings, just made a suggestion.


    steve simmons

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie Brim View Post

    said window won't be too hard to block off completely when I want to use only artificial lighting.
    With flash/strobe and enough power you won't need to. At least with LF you'll find between the shutter speed and the aperture that daylight won't be a big issue.

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie Brim View Post
    See, that's what I'm talking about.

    The most haunting images I've ever see, those that stay with me, are not technically perfect. They're compositionally interesting, but there's a lot that can be found "wrong" with them.
    OK, now there you go... something to learn. The appropriate phrase should be "technically correct". Technically correct is not, and may never be, perfect. I have, even as a young child, always experimented. However my greatest respect for experimentation was when I started dating in 1957. I found it both fun and memory making. Have been doing it ever since. NO, not dating, ... experimenting.

    Some of the experimentation in photography has been intentional, and much has clearly been learning something interesting by making both small and huge mistakes.

    Keep on Keeping on!

  8. #38

    Re: A few comments on experimentation in photography.

    I like experimentation.
    Be a rebel to yourself!

    C-41, 30sec development, 10min bleach.

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