In order to allow members in good standing to post classified ads for any type of photo equipment (LF and non-LF alike) and to decrease the danger of fraud, the moderators have made a change to allow access to the "For Sale/Wanted" section only to those who have been members for 30 days or more.

Members will be promoted to enable access automatically at the 30 day point without need to request it. New promotions are processed every 60 minute based on the date and time you joined the Forum, so if you joined late in the day the promotion will likewise happen late in the day.

Those who have been members for less than the 30 day limit will not be able to access posts in the For Sale section.

Also, newer members with an exiting FS/WTB ad where the item is still available will need to repost after the 30 day period when you have normal access to the section (these ads will be deleted by the moderators to avoid confusion).

The FAQ and section description will be updated to reflect this change.