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Thread: Composited images

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Composited images

    I searched and did not find any threads that are specifically of composites. I would like to see examples of some images that others have done.

    I will start this with an image that I did entirely in the dark room. It is a composite of three separate images. The first is a 5X7 image of the Los Algodones Dunes taken in daylight. The second is a med format shot of the moon taken with a 500 mm lens using a Bronica ETRS. The third exposure (of the night sky) is a 35mm exposure through a Celestron six inch Schmidt Cassegrain telescope onto 35mm film using a T adapter on the scope. The images were combined in the darkroom using a combination of sharp and unsharp masking using APHS ortho lith film.

    I would enjoy seeing other photographs in which images were combined using traditional methods.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Composited images

    Jerry Uelsmann, for starters.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Composited images

    Cyrus, Thanks for the link. I am well aware of Uelsmann. I meant composite photographs done by individuals on this site...Perhaps I failed to clearly indicate what I meant. Thanks again.

  4. #4

    Re: Composited images

    Fun historical note:

    Back before panchromatic film it was almost impossiable to get a pretty cloudy sky and expose your image properly. Skys were just burnt out white.

    They say, (I have never done this) that if you find a collection of photographs from one photographer from back then, they will all have the same cloud pattern because they had one standard cloud negative and they composited it onto every outdoor image with a sky.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Paris EU

    Re: Composited images

    I start this one with a 4x5 B&W pin hole and then I enter other pieces until I felt they were OK together... and added color !

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Austin TX

    Re: Composited images

    Ahh, Miquel, great photo. Very imaginative - the kind of innovative work I really enjoy seeing on this forum. Have you ever exhibited this and if so what print format?

    Nate Potter, Austin TX

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Paris EU

    Re: Composited images

    [QUOTE=Nathan Potter;334649]Ahh, Miquel, great photo. Very imaginative - the kind of innovative work I really enjoy seeing on this forum. Have you ever exhibited this and if so what print format?

    Hi Natan, this pic makes part of a subject (Blue Dreams) that I exhibit last year and continue working on, print format 8x10.
    Glad you enjoy it !

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Composited images

    here is one of my composed group portraits,
    all made of singel sessions,
    did half a book with this technique (
    or you can find more on
    then click 'staged'



  9. #9

    Re: Composited images

    i've done this...

    i used 3 negatives of the same subject to get this image by blending in photoshop...

    it was a very windy day and the clouds were moving fast, as was the shadow across the lake.

    one negative had perfectly placed clouds (trees not sharp because of wind)
    one negative had a perfectly placed shadow (but the clouds were no good and the trees were not as sharp as they were on another negative)
    one negative had really crisp trees but no good on the clouds and shadow

  10. #10
    Geert's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Composited images

    Quote Originally Posted by lostcoyote View Post
    i used 3 negatives of the same subject to get this image by blending in photoshop...
    Quote Originally Posted by Donald Miller
    I would enjoy seeing other photographs in which images were combined using traditional methods.
    That's not exactly what Donald asked, HDR computer images can be found all over the web, but please don't take this as an offense. You don't see that many of them in B/W and your is quite a good example of what can be done, I'm just not that fond of the foreground, it takes too much of my attention.

    The image of Miguel Coquis totally not my style, so I won't comment on that, except that it looks very well done technically. I like surrealist work in paintings, but it has never appealed to me in a photographic collage.


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