I am wondering about proper guidelines for posting a question and starting a new thread in this group. If you will bear with me for a moment I would like to exp lain that in detail. As new users join the group they tend to ask a question bef ore learning how to browse through the old threads for information. As many of y ou "seasoned vets" are aware this is probably a minor annoyance that you quickly rectify.

Now say somebody posts a question about perhaps "drum processing". Of course thi s has been dealt with before and the individual should have checked the old post s. The latest dated message dealing with this subject may have been greater than six months ago. (or perhaps a year)

If the question is only answered with "go check the history posts" does this int roduce the following two problems ?

1. What if newer information has come available since then ?

2. More importantly, what if a member who is new (since the last question)to thi s group wishes to contribute additional information that is unique and considere d by the person answering to be of value ?

Thanks for the patience.