Set up the Nikon D3 in roughly the same place St. Ansel did. The D3 has more resolution than his 8X10 but you can throttle that back later. You can't see the crosses or the church very well anymore because everything is different. No prob. Take the picture mid day or whenever is convenient for you. Now the hard work begins. In PS10 remove all the other crap in the way that wasn't there in 1941. Add crosses or whatever. Light them up. Darken the sky and add some floating clouds. Go get a moon from some night shot. Put it in. Fiddle with every pixel until it's BETTER than Ansel's. Print 18,000 of them on the newest greatest offset printer and wait for fame to hit.

Silly Ansel. Running to get his tripod and camera set and breathlessly getting that one exposure while the crosses were lit and then worrying half to death about whether the film in the can was any good, then messing around with the thin neg trying to bring some of the values up, then beating his brains out printing it 1500 times.