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Thread: 152 Ektar - what's the filter size

  1. #1

    152 Ektar - what's the filter size

    What's the filer size for a Kodak Ektar 152mm (Crown Graphic).

    Thanks John

  2. #2

    152 Ektar - what's the filter size

    John I own 4x5 Crown Graphic with a 152mm lens. I use a KODAK SERIES 7 ADAPTER RING that slips over the outside of the front lens (Just measure its diameter). Try ebay to find one. From that you can stick with Series 7 filters or use a Series 7 to mm step-up-ring. I have used 52mm on up to 60mm filters on the camera. Use what filters you've got! The Crown is a great camera! Have fun, Harry

  3. #3
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 1999
    Southfield, Michigan

    152 Ektar - what's the filter size

    That lens takes a 44.5mm slip-on adapter. Your best bet is a used camera show unless you have a dealer in the area that's been in business for 50 years and never throws anything away.

  4. #4

    152 Ektar - what's the filter size

    Series 6 filters also work with the appropriate adapter ring

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