I really try to support my local camera stores. We have two very nice ones in Greater Asheville and up until recently I could count on finding fresh film at either. It was great because I could walk into either and have a choice of 4x5 transparency and almost always find Tri-X. This summer things have changed.

Both have been out of Tri-X since May and I think I bought the last box of Provia in town yesterday. While I have a great source for professional E-6 developing here, it looks like there is nowhere in town anymore to process C-41 in 4x5 (or larger.)

I can always go back to ordering online, but that was what drove me to the local stores in the first place. I would rather pay a bit more per sheet and have fresh film rather than film that is sixty days from expiration.

How is it elsewhere. Are the mail order/online outlets our only hope?