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Thread: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    After finally collecting all the pieces I wanted for my b&w film development - a Jobo Expert drum and a Unicolor reversing motor base, I noticed that the base does not give the drum a full revolution before it reverses, but only about 3/4 of it. It also seemed a little too slow.

    So, I got another motor base, this time Beseler, but the same thing happens with this one too, although the motor feels a little stronger, but not that much.

    Is this normal or is it not enough of a rotation?

    I'm thinking about maybe trying to adjust the reversal time, it looks easy enough, but would rather hear opinions of those who are already using this combo.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    I'm debating with myself if it (really) needs to be a reversing system or not?? This said after having used a (homemade) single direction system with a expert drum 3010 for more than a year and not been able to see any signs of un-even development. I would very much like to hear from others in this matters. Yes the preference would have been for reversing, but what if? If not?

  3. #3
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Everett, WA

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    Not enough rotation. You need at least a full rotation to wet all of the tubes.

  4. #4
    Eric Biggerstaff
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Denver, Colorado

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    I don't have the reverse on my Beseler and it works just fine, very even development with my 301o. I start it and just let it go, some may advise flipping the tank the other direction from time to time but I have not even found that to be an issue.
    Eric Biggerstaff

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    I opened up both of them and the system seems to be pretty simple - there is a switch inside with a non-electrolytic capacitor of about 1-2 microFarads soldered paralel to contacts. Sounds as if the time between reversals is determined by the time needed to charge the capacitor. If so, installing a higher capacity should increase the time between reversals.

    Before I do it, though, I'd rather make sure if it is necessary at all and if so, how much.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    Thanks for the answers, guys.

    Brian, that's what I thought too. Oh, well, seems I'll get to dust off my soldering iron...

    The problem is finding the parts, funny as it may sound - I thought that's what Radio Shack and Fry's are good for, but apparently the times have changed since the last time I did a diy project. I wanted to build a shutter tester recently and the guys at my local Radio Shack just looked blank at me when I asked for a phototransistor. They didn't even know what that was, much less have it in the store! Same thing in Fry's.

    So, here's another question: can anybody recommend a place for buying small electronic components, either a store in the LA area or on the Web?

  7. #7
    Greg Lockrey's Avatar
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    Temperance, MI

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    I normally let the rotor base run in one direction and occasionally hit the reverse button once and awhile (to make me feel better) then back again. I never noticed any streaking by doing this. Actually on small developing runs of four or less 4x5 B&W sheet film, I use the tray. I only use the tank and base for color for better temp control. The Beseler tubes, if I recall were smaller in diameter and they would get a complete rotation. You can flip the drum to get reverse direction too.
    Last edited by Greg Lockrey; 18-May-2007 at 17:57.
    Greg Lockrey

    Wealth is a state of mind.
    Money is just a tool.
    Happiness is pedaling +25mph on a smooth road.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Calgary, Alberta

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    Dear Marko,

    I may be able to answer most of your question, since I have an Expert Drum that holds five sheets of 8X10 film, the Unicolor Uniroller motor base, and the Beseler motor base too...

    I discovered that my equipment will only process two 8X10 sheets of film, since the Unicolor motorized base does not make a complete revolution, where the two sheets of film are properly positioned within the solution during the partial rotation cycle. I placed a piece of tape on the outside of the drum, marking the opposite side of the drum holding the two sheets of film, to have a reference point for the film in solution. I use the reference marker when I exchange the solution and place the drum back onto the Unicolor motorized base, ensuring the film is set properly within the solution.

    It works for me, and although I am limited to two sheets per session, it does the job quite nicely. I do have a Beseler motor base with continuous rotation if the Unicolor motor base decides to quit working. I tried the Beseler motor base once, and I have not used it again, so my experience there is terribly limited.

    jim k

  9. #9
    Michael E. Gordon
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Southern California

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    I have a single direction dual-action agitator from Chromega ($10 ebay special). I develop with Rollo Pyro and a 3010, and flip the drum every 30 seconds. This has always worked just fine, and I've never had one instance of uneven development.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Baton Rouge, LA

    Re: Beseler motor base with Jobo Expert Drum - a question

    I use both a 3006 and 3010 with a beseler base modified to run only in one direction. It did reverse, but did not do a full turn. It used a mechanical switch, which I disabled. I can reverse the drum with a switch, which I did for a while, but have ignored for the last 1000 sheets, with no visible problems. I would encourage you to use a presoak with the drum running to really wet the film evenly, this seems to reduce the chance of streaks when you pour the developer in.

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