Researching betterlight backs for primarily art repro (with personal landscape work a distant second, don't know if I can handle the hardware in the field), I am trying to understand what one gains moving from the 6000HS to the super 6000. The super model seems to add the feature of interpolation to produce a larger file. The ccd is the same. Is there really any difference from interpolating in photoshop?

Also, as far as output is concerned, I am very familiar with what sort of interpolation/upsizing I can do with my dslr. As I understand the BL backs are producing a true rgb per-pixel rather than a bayer array. Does this translate into more enlargability? My output for clients is primarily on canvas (Epson 9800), what sort of maximum print size could I expect for fairly exacting clients. Is 50" on the long side reasonable for a 6000 or do I need to buck up for the 8000?

Thanks for any thoughts.