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Thread: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Denver, CO

    Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    Longest lens is currently a 250 Fuji W. Looking for a good telephoto that will get me 480mm or better and still focus with existing bellows in my Toyo AX if such a lens exists.



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    A telehoto lenswill require a bellows extension of about 66% of its focal length. Nikon makes, or made, a 500mm set which would take a bellows extension of about 300mm at infinity.

    Schneider also has some telephoto lenses and Fuji made a 400mm telephoto lens. The Fuji and Nikon can be found used and are quite good. I would suggest staying away from the older tele Arton, Tele Rotelar, etc. lenses. These are older lenses and not nearly as good as the newer ones.

    steve simmons

  3. #3

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    Denver, CO

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Besançon, France

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    Rodenstock has abandoned telephotos for a while, and besides Nikon I know from catalogs that Fuji has a T series of telephotos, but I have hardly read any feedback here.
    I have a 360 Schneider tele-Arton which is not that bad, the design is an improvement over previous tele-xenars (non-apo !)

    Regarding the recent apo-tele xenar series by Schneider, there has been a very positive comment on the French LF forum by a professional photographer who has used the 450mm with a digital sensor, he was truly amazed by the quality delivered on a 645-sized detector for a lens that could cover almost a 11"x14"piece of film.

  5. #5
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    Rio Rancho, NM

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    Maximum extension on the 45AX is 321mm, absent the use of the 100mm extension back. I use a Nikkor 360T with my 45AX, and it will focus to about 10-12 feet.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    Looking for a good telephoto that will get me 480mm or better and still focus with existing bellows in my Toyo AX if such a lens exists.

    360mm does not meet the man's requirements. 500mm would but he would be limited to focussing to about infinity. The Fuji 400, with a bellows equirement of about 264mm, might be worth considering and is longer than the 360 and quite possibly less expensive.

    steve simmons

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Denver, CO

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    The Fuji 400 looks to be about max usable and still get some movements and closer than infinity focusing. I was able to locate one of those. More expensive than I'd like to pay, but what the hey ($1100)

    Thanks to all.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Germany, Aalen

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    Well - I was in similar situation when looking for a long lens for my Tachihara 4x5. I was not concerned only about the focal length, but also about the weight - and - price. Fujinon T 400/8 was the main candidate, but then Osaka 400/8 showed up on the ebay and I did not resist getting it. With the price $285 and weight of 500g (including lens board) - it fits the bill nicely. I was of course concerned about the picture quality as the qulity control of the osaka/congo lenses is known not to be on the level of the big four, but after seing a couple of slides - I am fully satisfied. I may post some as soon as I have some reasonable scans - in a week or two.
    The stability of the camera focused in infinity is quite good. It gets worse one the full draw (~ 310mm) is used (reproduction ratio ~ 1:5), but your Toyo should be much more stable, so this is may not be an issue. Just keep in mind that also the tele design of the lens allowes you to use a long lens with less bellows draw - but once you start to focus close than infinity you will quickly hit the end.


  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Baton Rouge, LA

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    $1100? Hmm, they seem to have gone up in price the last few years. I guess there is not much else out there, unless you can get an Osaka.

  10. #10
    Ted Harris's Avatar
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    Aug 2000
    New Hampshire

    Re: Telephoto lens recommendation for Toyo 45AX

    You can also use a 360mm lens with a 'tophat' lensboard. Any longer than that and it is gonna get real tipsy.

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