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Thread: Survey tripods for LF??

  1. #1

    Survey tripods for LF??

    Hey, I've heard of some people using survey tripods for bigger cameras, with som e work to adapt a head. Seems possible. Is it cheap and is it solid as well as s omewhat light in wt. ? Anybody?

  2. #2
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1997
    San Jose, CA

    Survey tripods for LF??

    The tripod that you see on the picture of me in yellowstone is a Zone VI. See my review. It is basically a surveyor's tripod with a modification to take the photographer's pan-tilt head. If you buy it from Zone VI it is quite expensive, but I have heard that you can get the same for a fraction of the price in surveying supplies. Then you'll have to do the modif. It is nothing but lightweight !

  3. #3

    Survey tripods for LF??

    Question: do these survey tripods have the same type of male thread used for cameras? I don't want the ajustable head but need the flexible legs.

  4. #4

    Survey tripods for LF??

    Survey tripods (called "legs" by surveyors) use a huge, 5/8" I think, hollow bol t -- not a normal tripod mount. It's easy to replace the bolt though. I ran the survey dept. for a large civil engineering firm many years ago and we had a doz en sets of worn out legs just sitting in the store-room gathering dust. I would have gladly given some to a photographer who wanted to restore them. Might be wo rth checking with your local surveyor.


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 1998

    Survey tripods for LF??

    Calumet is closing out the Zone Light weight tripods for $100 if anyone is interested. They told me that they only have a handful left.

  6. #6

    Survey tripods for LF??

    What ever happened to U. N. Owen and his co-hort Anon Y. Mouse?

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