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Thread: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Pasadena, CA

    LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    We interrupt your favorite channel to urge you to do more of what you love, and do it now!

    Alas, another lab, A.I.M. Pasadena bit the dust last month. They did black and white plus E6. No word of rats leaving the ship or anything like that. This seems to be the case with most operations going away - we just get the bad news, after the fact.

    And sure, film is around to last 5 years more if they stopped making it today, provided someone pays the fridge bill. But whoa, I never thought that the labs would eat it so quickly.

    While certainly, a few LF E6 shooters, making an exposure or two every three months won't make up for the trends of the time, if we all get out there and shoot more, or stay home and shoot, perhaps there will still be some labs that will find it worthwhile to develop color. It's true, one can do E6 at home ( but how long will those kits be around, eh? ), however a good lab does a good job. Perhaps we should as a group consider consolidating some lab services to ensure adequate cost benefit to keep a good line going somewhere?

    If you've had your cameras idle for more than a month, get out and shoot some more! If you spend more time on this forum than you do shooting or making prints, or whatever - how about taking 1/5th of that time to capture more images? Been really into B&W lately? When was the last time you made a totaly juicey, E6 masterpiece to oogle over with your loupe?

    How about an E6 LF shoot out? We could suggest a set of say, 7 themes, or to keep it simple, a very simple set of option themes, subject to the interpretation and expression of the LF user, who could use any LF camera they wish. How about a set of 7 colors, not nec. the primaries either, but nice to include them? A sort of "Iron Chef" shoot out, where the theme ingredient must be featured, yet it is okay to include other ingredients in harmony or contrast? ( fine with me if you include Uni too, but watch out on that squid! ). Hmmm, I've got two boxes of Fuji 64T Readyload 4x5, fresh enough, to pitch into the pot. Maybe we could have a donated set of prizes, from say 3rd to 100th place with no prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and a special prize for second to last place?

    I'm headed up to the desert to take in big sky, deep earth, and gentle meditation plus a bit of Americana this weekend - that's going to zap a couple boxes of 8x10 color for sure, as well as put a small dent in the trusty Efke supply. And while I'm at it, What are YOU gonna do, sit here on this board and wax philosophical about the good ol' days - or make some good new days right now?

    And shoot some color too! Ahhhh, that rich, juicey, razor sharp, fine grained image with the marvelous pop to it no digicam knows. Instead of blobs where there should be trees, lovely leaves.... or instead of pixels, smooth out of focus areas, or even marvelous bokeh for those with barrel repro lenses and all the iris blades. The poetry of it. Mmmmm tastes so good!

    Ask not what LF can do for you, ask what you can do for LF. It's National Get Off Your Arse Shoot Film Now Weekend, starting at 1800 hours TODAY!!

    Back to your regular channel...

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    Ed K.

    The 5x7 Speed Graphic will accompany me on 'dawn patrol' at 0400hrs tomorrow morning---plenty of holders loaded with FP-4+ at the ready! Tally-Ho!
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  3. #3
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Mar 2000
    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    I'm shooting mostly B&W this summer on Moloka'i, but today was an E-6 day--three rolls of 120 and two sheets of 4x5" (I only brought one Kinematic holder with 9 sheets of RAP as something of an afterthought, so I'm using it sparingly).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    Afraid I've never shot a piece of color sheet film - negative or transparency - in my life. I wouldn't even know what to do with it.

    But I wish you luck anyway - hope everyone who does know what to do with it will join you...
    Last edited by Oren Grad; 4-Aug-2006 at 19:02.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Pasadena, CA

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    Oren - it's Get Out and Shoot Film Weekend, which means that film, any film, is just fine, or for that matter, even glass plates.

    Remember the sound of the shutter, or the smoothness of slipping the velvet lined cap off, or squeezing the bulb? The nuance of covering / uncovering a lens with your hat?

    It's all good! Ah, the feeling of a dark slide in hand and the wind stopping long enough to expose, or the crisp *!POP!* of that Speedotron, or the smell of freshly burnt powder and the watery eyes of your subject(s) as they recover themselves from the old-time exposure!

    Or a series done with a flashlight only, or moving slit spiral profile photography, astrophotography. LF Photography from a moving platform, at night, in the morning, in the evening. Or, to beat any cliche - photographs at high noon but done right! Film noir, 70's revival, still lifes, and since it's summer, at least you can eat the fruit if you shoot that. Photos of photos being made, photograms, multiple exposures, mat shots masking in camera, compositions of hand colored B&W, photos that celibrate life, that criticise it, that capture the memory of friends and family for the future, that show how and were we lived, what you drove. Photographs to share your feelings, to portray other's feelings, that explore.

    Self portraits, art shots, landscapes, theme shots, portfolio work, snapshots, cliche', anti-cliche, da da, Beaux Arts, grand, small - whatever! Documentary, representational, interpretive, abstract, statement of mood, study in line, temporal expansion/contraction, technical, indoors, outdoors, and, one suitable for a show: "In my back yard". Contact print, enlargement, you name it, but expose some of the light sensitive stuff and to honor the weekend, "write with light", while, if possible, record to show us!

    Make an image this weekend, shoot film! And well, if you guys help out by shooting color, then selfishly, I can enjoy shooting it a bit longer too!

    It's all good.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Kaneohe, Hawaii

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    I shoot Velvia almost every weekend.... This one will be no different. Great idea.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ed K.
    Oren - it's Get Out and Shoot Film Weekend, which means that film, any film, is just fine, or for that matter, even glass plates.
    Hey, if those are the ground rules, I don't need any convincing. Afraid I don't have any glass plates, but I could expose some whole-plate sheet film loaded into glass plate holders with film-sheath inserts if that would further the ecumenical spirit of the occasion.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ann Arbor, MI USA

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    I've been lazy over the last few weeks with the heat wave, other events, yada yada....but feeling the nudge. My holders are loaded. I'll get out tomorrow, and life will be good.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ed K.
    How about if we all just fog a few sheets of film? That would be so much quicker and easier and wouldn't require any processing.

    Don Bryant

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Baraboo, Wisconsin

    Re: LET'S USE SOME FILM! - How about a National Get Out and Shoot Day?

    [QUOTE=Don Bryant]How about if we all just fog a few sheets of film? That would be so much quicker and easier and wouldn't require any processing.

    I thought the idea was to do something different than what we're already doing. : - )
    Brian Ellis
    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them you'll be
    a mile away and you'll have their shoes.


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