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Thread: Sudden Increase in Spam With Change in Forum

  1. #21

    Re: Sudden Increase in Spam With Change in Forum

    I am an IT professional. In my experience this strongly depends on the browser you use. There are a lot of sites, that are capable of spying out your email. Of course just to for selling it to third party os use it for own spam purpose.
    Just use a professional firewall which blocks your email literal string (after a warning) and you will see when your browser trys to send this information.
    A good strategy is to keep browser and mail programs apart, which is definitely not possible with IE. But even this measurement I think does not beat every attack from hostile advertisement inserts in some web page. For instance ebay gives your email to "friend" sites like paypal just on the fly.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Pine Junction, CO

    Re: Sudden Increase in Spam With Change in Forum

    I thought I noticed an increase in spam getting by my two filters a couple of weeks ago. No observable change since the forum changed formats.
    Keith Pitman

  3. #23

    Re: Sudden Increase in Spam With Change in Forum

    I get almost two spams per week, and that has not changed for me in the last few days.

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