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Thread: Digital vs Analog Holography

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Digital vs Analog Holography

    Back in the year 2006 people were arguing about digital vs film. Weren't those the days?

    Anyhow, that's behind us now thanks to the outlawing of film in order to promote the One World politic, so moving on...

    I gotta say, I'm a flat-field fanatic and think that this analog holography movement cannot be Art. It is ingenuine. Too easy. Everybody's been implanted at birth with networked bio-imaging, and I see no esthetic rationale in moving to holography, even though, thanks to Ka'dook flat-digital is harder and harder to get.

    An aside - I think I know why Ka'dook changed its logo to green. Once upon a time there was a lot of green in the world. Trees. I know it's contentious, but Saint Adams work could have been color, but I believe he was part of the Paveover movement. Really. Stifling the color of what they used to call nature. (Do a wik on 'nature'. It's in there somewhere. Unless the boyz at the world capital in France managed to revise the language overnight again.)

    Happy Monday! It's the last day of the weekend! (Ya know, it used to be legal to work a five-day week?)

  2. #2
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Rio Rancho, NM

    Digital vs Analog Holography

    I don't mean to start a Soilent Green fight, jj, but I think digital holograms are far better. After all, it is only through the digitization of the surface texture and axial movement points that the hologram can be made to be interactive.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Digital vs Analog Holography

    I don't mean to start a Soilent Green fight, jj, but

    Sure, that's easy for you to say, ya big elitist; your ancestors were made into Truffles. Heck, mine are all white sauce.

  4. #4
    Abuser of God's Sunlight
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    brooklyn, nyc

    Digital vs Analog Holography

    I can't believe kids these days are enough to fall for this hype. Digital holograms will never have the lifelike sparkle of the analog holograms up in my grandpa's attic. Not to get off topic, but I just had an ad beamed to me for digital time travel. Can you believe it? Would you ever trust your transtemporal phase-shifting needs to a non-analog time travel unit? Microsoft-Nike has a lot of gall.

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