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Thread: Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    SF Bay Area

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View


    Thank you for your good judgement which may send a message as we begin the new year. This forum is not the place for personal attacks but, rather, a place to learn and share our knowledge and experience.

  2. #12
    darr's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    The South

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    Mark: Take a poll if you really want to get a sampling of what forum readers think.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    i think a lot of people left their computers unsecured over New Years, and they've been taken over by bored 15 year olds.

    Come on, the # of people in this community is too small as it is to risk loosing anyone with experience and drive about large format photography.

    If we were all sitting in the same room, *noone* would be discussing like this. There are time's i think Hanibal Lecter had it right about bad manners and rudeness. :^)


  4. #14
    Dave Karp
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    Before E-mail and near-instant instant communications via the Internet people had some time to think before sending a nasty note. The process of hand-writing or typing on paper gave people pause to think. I recall that while in an old job, when someone sent a letter that contained irritating or aggravating content, I would write a nasty response and put it in my desk drawer for a day. Those are the letters that would not be sent. Unfortunately, I think, today people send those letters quickly and don't take the time to cool down.

    This is a great forum. One of the reasons many of us wanted it back was its civility. Let's keep it that way.

    People can disagree without being disagreeable. It really doesn't take much effort. As I tell my kids, its much nicer to be nice.

    Here's to a nice new year.

  5. #15

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    I say leave it the thread as it is very enlightening. As to Ms. Darr, it would be good if you read the thread and see who started the name calling, but of course one cannot expect something as simple as that from you.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    Thank God that all you people are online and not in my living room. And double thank God that "Readyload" and "Quickload" refer to film holders and not to ammunition.

  7. #17
    darr's Avatar
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    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    "but of course one cannot expect something as simple as that from you."
    You prove my point once again, another personal insult.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Jan 2000

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    The thread is gone but the people that caused the thread to be deleted by breaking the rules of the forum are still free to do it again and again. I f your going to have rules, then enforce them...ban the people that continually break them and the forum will be better off.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Massachusetts USA

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    Another option is for the list moderator to contact certain individuals off-line, and politely inform them that unless they adopt a more civil tone, they will be silently blocked from further postings.

    This more respectful and discrete approach, could be less likely to fan any existing flames.

  10. #20

    Joel's Thread Temporarily Removed from View

    "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."

    Frankly I've noticed from other threads that there are some who want to pounce on anything they think is wrong. When they pounce, their postings are very personal. I've also noticed in other threads that whenever Steve Simmons posts, those who pounce, do so with a pre-established dislike for Steve.

    Why is that? What gives anyone the right to attack another? Why the anger? Why the dislike? I don't get it!

    I'm not the most knowledgable about the technical details of LF, but I know what I know, so what little I do know, I'd like to share without someone telling me I'm an idiot. Mostly I simply want others to enjoy photography. I'm not here to blow my own horn. If I can be helpful I'll try.

    I think if people contribute to help better that person asking a question, we'd all benefit. Especially the people who answer a question in error, they too will learn, instead of being told they are "every name in the book."

    The bottom line for me is photography is a very personal expression. It is something that gives me a great deal of joy. It pains me very deeply when photography becomes an instrument for someone's anger.

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