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Thread: Going to Denver

  1. #1

    Going to Denver

    I'm going to Denver next week for the national exibit of vetrans art. I won the catagory for traditional B&W. I would like to know from any denver members any galleries that have photography exibits that could be recomended. Thanks, John

  2. #2

    Going to Denver


    A must is the Camera Obscura Gallery on Bannock st, next to the Denver Art Museum. Hal Gould, who I saw yesterday, is 85 years old, somewhat hard of hearing, of slight built, but a real gem and authority on current & 19th century fine art photography. His gallery exhibits the finest photographers, past & present as well as his own work. His gallery is the oldest photo gallery in the US west of the Mississippi. Again, the gallery is a MUST. His photo library is extensive as well. Hal is highly regarded throughtout the photographic community.

    There are a few others, but I leave that for some other contributers.

    up in the mountains West of Denver, Raymond

  3. #3
    Abuser of God's Sunlight
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    brooklyn, nyc

    Going to Denver

    for contemporary photography, check out Gallery Sink ... 2301 w. 30the st.

  4. #4

    Going to Denver

    Thank, If I have to play hooky I'm gonna get to see them. Thanks again, John

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Pine Junction, CO

    Going to Denver

    Also, don't miss Photographers' Gallery at 2426 E. 3rd in the Cherry Creek North neighborhood.
    Keith Pitman

  6. #6
    Eric Biggerstaff
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Denver, Colorado

    Going to Denver

    Another vote for Camera Obscura. Hal is a wonderful man and has been great for me to know and work with, always willing to give a good critique. Also, make sure to meet hsi "right hand man" Loretta. She is a wonderful photographer too.

    Have a nice trip.

    Eric Bigggerstaff
    Eric Biggerstaff

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