I just returned from a trip to the Canadian Rockies with 5 other photographers. We were all trying to set up for a scene of Mt. Rundle refelcted in Vermillion Lake and were on the verge of tripping our shutters when a tour bus drove in on a road between us and the lake. This was a totally inappropriate road for such a vehicle and there wasn't even a place for it to turn around to get out. The bus parked and a herd of German tourists made a beeline for the hill on which we were standing. We were stunned as they surrounded us, clicking away with their digital point & shoots, getting in front of us and doing everything else they could to interrupt our activities. It was so hopeless, that one in our group just whipped out his digital camera and shot the rest of us being attacked. The bus then attempted to back out and nearly ran off the road just as it was beteween us and the scene. We all waved and shouted "right there, that's perfect". The driver opened his door and announced that he was simply trying to back out of the half mile road he let himself get conned into driving down and that he was not parking. The toruists seemed upset that they now had to walk back to the bus. What a firedrill that was. I guess sometimes, you just have to step back and laugh a bit, otherwise you just get upset and ruin your day. I'm certain we will enjoy a laugh or two whenever we recall this. I did get a couple of nice negatives afterall as I'm sure did the others.