
John has taken on students for a fee and working with their images has made prints , so in effect he has made money working for others.

I continually work in alt process for others , I must say it is hugely gratifying when everything goes well, and quite frustrating when the client is expecting C print or Inkjet clarity. I am trying to actively weed out
the people who have unrealistic expectations, as they are really a drain on my time and soul.

I am spending more time these days working in gum over palladium, and tri colour gum for myself and clients ,frankly I feel this is where my love of printing is being formed all over again. Its funny how this thing called Photography can keep us happy for a 1/2 century or more.

I have recently made a whole series of silver negatives, and then lith prints and as well traditional silver contacts from these films, I really like this direction as well. I am hoping to place the Lambda in a young persons hands to maximize the potential of this machine.

I am making all my clients spend time in the darkroom/dim room with me now as I am hoping they willrent out my space and facilities to make their complete shows from concept to crated work. I have the gear and actually like the bond between most of my clients, so as I get older in the tooth , I can sort of manage them, and continue with my own work.
I have tried to rationalize how I am going to proceed in the future and this type of Artist in Residence concept really works well for me.

I finally have about 40% of my personal portfolios in the can and I am excited to know some galleries are interested in my personal work. I would love to be able to make prints and sell them as a viable business plan moving forward.

say hi to Sam and I really hope Laura, Barney and Lucy get to spend some time with you again. You know Laura has a soft spot for you as do all the staff up here so lets see if we can get together.
