I have owned a 4X5 Wisner Pocket Expedition for a while but I have not used it that much. I have been using a digital camera but I hope to do more LF. The odd thing I notice using this camera, and I have never understood, is why sometimes when I use the rear geared axis tilt in landscape photography for near-far landscapes, it works wonderfully and yet other times, the movement does not seem to affect the plane of focus at all. During these times, I then use the front geared axis tilt and it works wonderfully. The front axis tilt seems to work all the time but the rear tilt only seems to work most of the time. My workflow involves leveling the rear standard and then the front standard. I then focus on the near and then use the rear tilt on the far. I believe the camera can be used in this way and when it works it is a very smooth process. The front geared axis tilt knobs are a little more fiddly to work with in comparison. I don’t mind switching back and forth between rear axis tilt and front axis tilt but would like to understand the issue a little more, and so I would very much appreciate any advice.