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Thread: Degroff Products - air shutter release

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Degroff Products - air shutter release

    i have been using air shutter releases for operating wollensak "studio" shutters with pretty good success.
    i guess i got lucky with a "titan products" brand release sold at sbi/hunts in massachusetts, which from the looks
    on the b/h website is similar if not the same as thier "general" brand air shutter release.
    well, i say i got lucky because my good release worked great for a few years, until it took the dirt nap ( i am still in mourning) ... the metal part that trips the shutter stopped retracting. i exchanged it at sbi/hunts with no problems, the "new one" worked for only a few months, and now, it too doesn't like to retract either, so i am preparing to return that one as well.

    whilst searching b+h's website i came across another air release - made by Degroff Products ...

    does anyone have experience with this product?

    is it really worth the $80 they are charging for it?

    does it have a "long throw" ?

    are there any other long throw air releases out there that don't cost a small fortune ??

    thanks for your help


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Degroff Products - air shutter release

    Kaiser has both 16' and 32' ones.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Degroff Products - air shutter release

    thanks bob!

    are they "long throw" ?

    thanks again

    - john

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Degroff Products - air shutter release

    "are they "long throw""

    Their throw is the same as the Gepe Pro cable releases and the Linhof and other Kaiser releases and they trip most shutters. Where they have a problem is with the Copal Press shutter which requires an especially long relese throw.

  5. #5

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    Oct 2000

    Degroff Products - air shutter release

    John, I don`t know if these are suitable for your needs, but the red/black braided ones from Calumet will work on a Copal press shutter and also on a Alphax #4 that I`m using. Haven`t looked at the catalog lately, but they were about 20.00 US.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2001

    Degroff Products - air shutter release

    steve -

    i had been using a air release ( a cheep one ) because from time to time i have to inject myseif into a portrait,
    and it worked like a charm ( the camera is a good 4-6 feet away ) . i was even able to get the studio shutter to open in the "bulb" setting with the lever on "closed" as it was intended to do. i have a cable release that i can use in a pinch but it is only a foot + in length ...

    thanks for your suggestion though, i will check out what calumet has to offer -

  7. #7

    Degroff Products - air shutter release

    are they "long throw" ?

    I had one once, an inexpensive one, that would have been considered long throw. i think it ended up about 70 feet from where I was standing (after the cable came out of the fitting, ie; it broke!)



  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Harbor City, California

    Degroff Products - air shutter release

    Regarding the $80.00, they show up on eBay fairly often and usually sell for modest amounts.

    I just measured one as 17/32" extension (13.5mm).

  9. #9
    Jon Wilson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Degroff Products - air shutter release

    Very old thread...but for those interested in having the instructions for the original DeGroff Shutter Booster.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Degroff Products - air shutter release

    thanks jon !

    in the end i now have 2 degroff air pistons, probably the best investments i have ever made !
    they work perfectly with studio shutters .. you get extreme control being able to make fast and slow shutter-exposures
    T as well as B. works with betax and every other kind of shutter too.
    mine are a smooth finish but and new, but the old engraved ones are just as useful and only require a little graphite dust to get working as perfectly as if they were new

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