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Thread: Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

  1. #1

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    je cherche des informations pour réparer la commande à billes du télémetre d'une graflex crown " télémetre dessus ".je n'ai rien trouver sur le cite graflex ni sur les divers réparation graflex !!!
    Merci d'avance , une simple vue pourrait me suffir.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    I don't know of any copies of the repair manual for the top-mounted Graphic rangefinder that you can actually read on the web, but I found two listings on the web for repair manuals that you can buy for not too much money:

    Scroll down to item number GFX-21.

    Scroll down to item number 90027.

    Good luck...

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    Pour plus des manuels,

    Bonne chance,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    Dan - That's a great resource, thanks for posting!

  5. #5

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    Yo, JP Dude!

    Hozzit? Ease on over to It's da bomb. All is good.

    (Let's see how Bablefish translates that.)


  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Besançon, France

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    I find it impolite...

    As far as I know, one of the biggest countries in Northern America does not have any official language listed in its Constitution.

    So, I would find strange that a friendly LF photography forum managed by a team certainly able to speak many different languages would introduce a restrictive rule about a single language allowed for exchanges here. ;-);-)

    Vous pouvez aussi re-poser cette question sur le forum moyen-grand format francophone
    sur lequel il n'y a pas de langue officielle non plus, mais il y a tout de même quelques utilisateurs de chambres de presse américaines et pas mal de très bons bricoleurs ; on y parle couramment : le français, le suisse-romand, le wallon et le québecois, plus d'autres dialectes de la francophonie y compris un peu de pidginne-ingliche. N'est-ce pas Dan F. ?? ;-);-)

    Nevertheless, most information available about Crown Graphic camera is in English ...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    La Luz del Oeste, Albuquerque NM

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown


    Bienvenue! Je vous remercions pour nous visiter au forum. J'espere que les Etats-Unis et France souviennent ensembles leur histoire et l'amite que nous avons! Bonne chance!
    Peter Collins

    On the intent of the First Amendment: The press was to serve the governed, not the governors --Opinion, Hugo Black, Judge, Supreme Court, 1971 re the "Pentagon Papers."

  8. #8

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    No me opongo a que se haga uso de lenguajes estranjeros en esta nacion, es bueno mantener la lengua viva. Lo que quise decir con mi comentario fue ; Que el proposito de este foro es aprender unos de otros y si no nos comunicamos en un idioma comun no hay manera de que aprendamos nada. Pueden ustedes hablar frances hasta que se pongan azules, pero el hecho permanese que
    no todos van a entender lo dicho. La constitucion de los estados unidos no establece un idioma
    nacional, pero de que sirve si el lector no es capaz de entender lo que el documento relata, o se empena en aferarce a su propia lengua sin tener consideracion de los demas.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    Jaime, que haran aqui ellos que no hablan ingles?

    Creo que debemos dar ayuda a ellos que la buscan.



  10. #10

    Commande du telemetre de graflex crown

    Hi, Dan:
    I completely agree with you. I also realise that my motibtion has being missunderstood. I have nothing what so ever agaist, Jean Pierre on the contrary, I am very glad that there where people
    out there that where in the position to help, Him. My point was and continue to be that use of the
    English language is the most beneficial way to comunicate here not for a few but for the overwhelming majority. That said if some one out ther does not have the ability or confidence
    to use English by all means use a native language chances are good his question will be answered.
    I only hope that the answer will be in what ever language and also in English that we all may benefit from the experience as well as to get a glimpse of other culture which ever that may be. I
    think this way it will be quite a lot more interesting. As to, Jean Pierre: Bienvenido, Benvenuto
    and many happy returns.

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