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Thread: The Best all around enlarger?

  1. #1

    The Best all around enlarger?

    What's 'The Best' all around 8x10 enlarger? If you had to get one enlarger (and one head) to do everything: BW, ilfochrome, color negative, etc - what would you suggest?

  2. #2

    The Best all around enlarger?

    The $100.00 one delivered. ( sorry Ijust couldn't resist). Gotta be a colorhead for sure, but I think if you get a modern style ( not a beehive ) they are all pro level. I think it will boil down to what is available in your area. Haven't seen an 8x10 enlarger for sale at the auction yet that didn't stipulate it had to be picked up-will not ship. John

  3. #3

    The Best all around enlarger?

    If money is no object....Durst....

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    The Best all around enlarger?

    Don't make mistakes (as I did!!!). Get yourself a Durst. There is nothing comparable in the market. Not even near.

  5. #5
    Michael Jones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 1998
    Nashville, Tennessee

    The Best all around enlarger?

    Durst. There is no comparison.
    “You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?”

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    The Best all around enlarger?

    Hi Paul,

    Without a doubt, the Durst Laborator 184, 10X10 enlarger. It's nearly the size and the price of a Volkswagen, but you asked for the best 8X10 enlarger.

  7. #7

    The Best all around enlarger?

    A used Durst from a going-out of business color lab. Often available for pennies on the dollar, provided you do the hauling.

  8. #8
    bob carnie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Toronto, Ontario,

    The Best all around enlarger?

    Agree with all above , The Durst, followed secondly by the Deveere, I have both and they are easy to work with, the only fault I can find with the Deveere is the Negative stage, I always feel the carrier is going to grind or something when putting in the negative.
    Though I must admit I love the two focusing Knobs on the deveere, a very simple operation to focus large magnifications by ones self, not trying to reach up to focus and while straining to look into the grain scope.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    The Best all around enlarger?

    For a home darkroom DeVere wins hands down.... Pro quality but easier to move and setup then the Durst.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 1998

    The Best all around enlarger?

    Durst Laborator (Sp?) with a dichroic head and a vacumm easel

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