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Thread: view camera magazine

  1. #41

    view camera magazine

    I second the request for an objective review of large-format-capable scanners that would separate the marketing hype from real performance. I would be particularly interested in how much a high-end scanner like an Imacon or Creo improves on, say, an Epson 4990.

  2. #42

    Join Date
    Dec 1999
    Forest Grove, Ore.

    view camera magazine

    It's probably obvious, but the point of my suggestion (above) on printing larger digital negatives is to use them for contact printing.

  3. #43

    view camera magazine


    I'd love to see an article on the practicalities of using movements. There are plenty of books and articles on the theory, eg Schliem... etc. But personally, partly because I use my 4x5 quite infrequently, I am put off using movements, as I make errors too often.

    A set of practical hints and tips on making sure that what you want is properly in focus especially after movements. Also hints on how to introduce movements to the camera to use them successfully eg focus, tilt, focus, shift etc... How to spot mistakes early...

    Oh and more portfolio's please.


  4. #44

    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    view camera magazine

    > --Jeff Morfit, 2005-03-01 04:56:59

    What Jeff said. A series on mounting/matting/framing. Different types of glass/acrylic, etc.

    And really, better editing. No offense, but your posts are full of typos. Read it over a second time before hitting the 'send' button...

  5. #45
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    view camera magazine

    Now that Martha's out of prison, maybe she could do an article on decorating with large format photography?
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

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