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Thread: Polaroid Land Camera 95 to 4x5 sheets

  1. #1

    Polaroid Land Camera 95 to 4x5 sheets


    I'm new to medium/large format, but I've had this Polaroid Land Camera 95 on the shelf for quite some time. I've figured out the basic functions but there are some things I still need help with.

    1) I think I am missing a piece to help it focus, the extra wire frame?
    2) Is there a way to modify this (easily) to take 4x5 negative sheets


  2. #2
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston Texas

    Re: Polaroid Land Camera 95 to 4x5 sheets

    I am not familure with the model 95 and can't comment on item 1. You might post photos of this camera here and other members may help you with that.

    Item 2: The words "easy" and "cheap" do not often apply in LF photography . . .and rarely toat the same time. The roll-film Polaroid 110 series and the 900 camera bodies have been converted to 4x5 for years by several folks, mostly "Razzle" and Alpenhause. There are others that remanufacture old bodies into completely new cameras. Look for Sable and Littman. . these converted or re-manufactured cameras are often available on e-bay at prices generally around $1000 . . . and up.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Polaroid Land Camera 95 to 4x5 sheets

    95 was zone-focus, I believe - no rangefinder or other aids, as far as I know. Converting to 4x5 would either entail replacing the entire back (not a small task), or individually loading single sheets in the existing back, then changing them out in a darkroom or darkbag. Probably more trouble than it's worth. Nicely made cameras though, I have one too, and it's mostly just an ornament at this point.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Polaroid Land Camera 95 to 4x5 sheets

    The original 95 did not have a wire frame. It had a hinged spring on the front standard that you lifted upright. On top of the spring was a metal ball with a red ring around its base. To compose you lifted up the finder on top of the camera. Centered the metal ball on the subject, estimated the distance and slid the focus control on the right front side to your estimated distance and fired the shutter. If you were at closer distances you used the red ring to center the subject rather then the ball.
    A few problems:
    This finder system would be pretty unacurate for 45
    The lens would probably not cover 45
    You set exposure with the knurled wheel on the top of the front standard and you will see a number in the small window on the top front of the front standard. Using this type of exposure control will not let you:
    Set a desired shutter speed
    Set a desired aperture
    The numbers corresponded to exposure data supplied with the film roll and to a read out on the long discontinued exposure meter for the camera. Even if you could find one of those meters it would no longer be working and you would not have any way of setting most film speeds.
    In short, forget this idea. It is the wrong camera. Just go out and buy a working used 45 rather then sink useless money into this idea.

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