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Thread: Which case for Sinar Norma 5x7?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Which case for Sinar Norma 5x7?


    I'm looking to purchase a case for my 5x7 Norma, however, I am unsure as to which one will actually fit.

    This thread :

    appears to indicate that there is a 5x7 Norma specific version. Is this correct? Does anyone have any further information and/or images to add to this?

    Has anyone put a Sinar Norma 5x7 in a different Sinar case? Which ones would work?

    Ideally, I could just buy a 4x5 Norma case, but I don't want to do this if the 5x7 won't fit.

    Hope you can help!

  2. #2
    William Whitaker's Avatar
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    May 2002
    NE Tennessee

    Re: Which case for Sinar Norma 5x7?

    I can't speak of the Norma-specific 5x7 case. I don't think I've even seen one. I use the blue top-loading case which I think is P-vintage. Wasn't sure if it would fit, but emailed back and forth with the seller to confirm dimensions and, in fact, it did. This is the blue case with the name "Sinar" emblazoned on the front in their typical sans-serif script. I've posted a picture of mine below. I found it on Ebay where they seem to show up with some frequency. I think I paid something in the neighborhood or US$150 - 200. A similarly-sized LightWare case would be nice, too, but would easily cost twice as much if bought new. The Sinar case also has some dedicated storage space - like the grooved dividers that take a Sinar lensboard and provide a place to store lenses safely and the rail clip in the lid of the case for an extra section of monorail.

    Although the case, I'm sure, was intended for the 4x5 Sinar (not Norma), my 5x7 Norma fits just fine. There is just enough clearance front and rear for the knobs on the rear standard. Understand that this case is not for backpacking! It stores the camera and some accessories efficiently and is fine for working out of the back of a car. It's not terribly heavy (I haven't weighed it), but it's quite manageable just for schlepping the camera over short distances. And it's good to know that the camera is well protected!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Which case for Sinar Norma 5x7?

    Thanks, Will. I just managed to source myself one of the older aluminium ones. I think the Norma 4x5 and 5x7 cases are very similar in appearance, but the seller of the case I just purchased sent me an additional photo which showed the inside label. This label has 13x8 5x7 specified, so hopefully this indicates I have the right case. Sinar actually responded to me very quickly as well, and although they weren't able to specifically answer my question, they were able to send me an original product brochure of sorts. Inside, this shows the 4x5 Norma case, and the 5x7, and both look almost identical. The difference is that the 5x7 has part number 1750, whereas the 4x5 has 900. Not sure if this is any use to others.

    So now I just need to wait for the case case to arrive, and hope that it does indeed fit. But if it doesn't then at least I know I can use the blue one as you have shown above!

  4. #4
    William Whitaker's Avatar
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    NE Tennessee

    Re: Which case for Sinar Norma 5x7?

    And in any case, you have a nice camera!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Newbury, Vermont

    Re: Which case for Sinar Norma 5x7?

    The Norma is such a gorgeous, elegant machine (I want one!) - H. Koch was a genius!

  6. #6

    Re: Which case for Sinar Norma 5x7?

    I have a Sinar "Rainbow" Case (see this image:

    It came marked as 13x18, and works fine for my 5x7 Norma. That said, the older wooden Norma cases are much better and easier to use. Perhaps they were made for 13x18?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Which case for Sinar Norma 5x7?

    The Sinar case arrived today, and the 5x7 Norma fits perfectly, thank goodness. I might take some pictures in the daylight tomorrow.

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