Since I decided a couple of months ago to build another 4x5 camera and to keep it looking OLD, I have been hunting on e-bay, hoping to pick up an old flat-bed camera from which I can steal the mechanics (and maybe bellows) for my new camera.

Everytime it looks like I might snag an old wooden camera at a reasonable price, the price skyrockets in the last hours from under $100 to over $300! There's a few I missed a couple of months ago in the $150 range but, as fall sets in, the prices seem to have gone UP substantially - like 50% above the "summer time prices".

I guess maybe what I am looking for is also in demand by collectors. I can't believe some of the beat-up old cameras that have fetched prices in the $500 to $1,000 range!

Any hints on where else to look for junker cameras?