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Thread: New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

  1. #1
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
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    San Jose, CA

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    A new article by Jeff Conrad has been posted
    Intoduction to DOF.
    Please feel free to leave any contructive comments in this thread.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Besançon, France

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    This is an excellent paper for those who enjoy to understand where DOF theory exactly comes from, and who are not satisfied with copies of copies of old things carried from one old book to another old out-of-print book and eventually from one un-verified website to another ;-).

    DOF being probably THE FAQ#1 in MF/LF photography, Tuan's LF web site does provide a Public Service by publishing this ;-)

  3. #3

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    This is a great paper. Though most of it I was already familiar with, it's nice to se it all presented well, and it's something I can send a link to for people struggling with it.

    I still stick to telling people the same two basic ideas: All else being equal, bigger lenses will let you have less depth of field. And all else being equal, the more light your photo is made out of, the nicer it will tend to look.

  4. #4
    the Docter is in Arne Croell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Huntsville, AL

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    Jeff, this is a really well written article with everything that is needed. Thanks a lot.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    This is an excellent introduction to the basic principles of DOF. It handles several important points that are often glossed over.

    Of course one could always ask for more, but that would lead to a book length treatise. This essay provides virtually everything that even the most technically minded large format photographer needs to know about basic DOF.

    Now Jeff should address his considerable talents to describing DOF when the film plane and lens plane are not parallel. The basic ideas are quite simple, and several attempts have been made to explain them, including mine, but I don't know if anyone has succeeded at the level of clarity in Jeff's essay.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    SF Bay Area, California, USA

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    Thanks to Emmanuel and Struan Gray for reviewing the section on an
    asymmetrical lens.

    I would urge anyone interested in DoF to look at Paul van Walree's
    excellent treatment of the subject at We reach much the same
    conclusions, but Paul includes several excellent images illustrating what I
    cover only mathematically.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    San Francisco Bay Area

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    I hadn't looked at the cross-format relationships before - just relied on my empirically determined instinct. Clear, concise, and readable. All the makings of a classic!

  8. #8

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    Very similar to treatments I have read in older out of print books eg. "Photographic Priciples" (DOVER). A more complete treatment of choices for the circle of confusion diameter than most.
    I prefer to express everything in terms of the magnification from the out set, even Eqs 4 and 5, which then read

    Un = U/(1 + ( c/d*M) ) and Uf = U/( 1 - (c/d*M) )

    where d is the aperture diameter and M the magnification. From these one can see more clearly the independent contributions. Plus these are so easy to remember!

    The formula for M = (f/u)/ ( 1 - f/u ) completes the picture.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Feb 2000

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    I will defer to others on the accuracy of the information but I don't see this as an introduction to the subject. I want to know how to use depth of field in the field, not on paper. I want to know how to use dof in typical situations. I don't find articles like this helpful at all.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    New article by Jeff Conrad: Introduction to DOF

    Don, buy a copy of Al Blaker's little book Applied Depth of Field. Long out of print, try or or

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