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Thread: George Tice

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    New Jersey, USA

    George Tice

    Lately I've felt the need to coorespond with other photographers more than usual. So, it was only natural that I remembered once again the void I feel, being a native New Jersian, shooing 8x10, and not having ever spoken with George Tice. I was wondering if anyone knows how I could contact him? I haven't been able to find any contact info on the web.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    George Tice

    "New Jersian"???? That is a gramatical anomalily. New Jerseyian could be a dooable. The failure to keep th "Y" is a capital offense. Do you live close to New Egypt?

    Tyce is great photog. He understands that the ordinary is spectacular. Just a shot of an ordinary road in Old Bridge seems to be mystic. I know because the picture of the old tractor in Old Bridge is on the farm my grandfather built a distillery for a neighbor. Even without that knowlwdge the image holds up.

    Tice is unpretentious and HONEST. Yea, HONEST. no digital, NO Photoshlep. Real light on real chemicals. No chance for human intervention.

    The ordinary is not ordinary. I try to do what he does but the edge is lacking in my shots. He has IT.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    New Jersey, USA

    George Tice

    Please forgive me for the grammatical error.

    I'm up in Bergen county. But I've cracked my share of New Egypt jokes.

    I know he's a great photographer. But does anyone know how I can contact him???

    Should I try to go through some of the galleries that are representing his work?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    George Tice


    I've got an address and telephone # circa 1996. Shoot me (not in the New Jersey sense!)an e-mail if you want.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  5. #5

    George Tice

    Sent you a private email, but somehow you did not receive it.

    Send me a private email. I can put you in touch with him. We are publishing a new book of his.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    New Jersey, USA

    George Tice

    Thanks, Michael. I was planning on contacting you about something anyway.

    My domain is hosted on my own server. In the most low-budget sense. I had a brownout last thursday around 10:30 PM, and my email has been down since then.

    Hopefully it will be fixed tonight.

  7. #7

    George Tice

    Hi Michael,

    The Weston book is great! When is the Tice book scheduled for publication - I didn't see it on the Lodima Press site?

    ...lyle allan

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