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Thread: Linhof Technika inquiry

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 1999

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    I've been out of 4X5 photography for about 7 years now. I did own a Wista 45DX u ntil 1992 and was very pleased with this camera. Recently I have been looking at used wood field cameras and I ran across a used Linhof Super Technika III, vint age 1954 (last version before the Technika IV). Not knowing anything about Techn ika's, I was quite impressed with the precision and quality built into this came ra. I was so impresed that I have started to question why buy a wooden field cam era when I can buy this Technika at a considerably lower price. Any persons out there that can give me good advice with regard to buying this used Linhof Techni ka or buying a used wood field camera such as a Wista 45DX, Zone VI, etc.

    One last thing, I have already learned that the Technika III lens boards are exp ensive and hard to find. I also have learned that parts for the Technika III are also hard to find. Are these good reson not to purchase the Technika III?

  2. #2

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    There is an excellent section on the Linhof camera models at the opening section of this web page.

    Should answer your questions and then some.

  3. #3

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    No front tilts on a Tech III. Could be a concern.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    no front tilt forward....drop the bed and rack up the rise or put the camera on it's side and use the swing...

  5. #5
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
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    Feb 1999
    Southfield, Michigan

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    I have used a Horseman 45FA (still a current and expensive model) and still own and like this type of camera a lot. The problem is I do quite a bit of work in places like Death Valley where dust and dirt can be a problem. Wooden cameras that run dry (no lubricants to attract sand) are much easier to clean in the field than folding metal technical cameras. If you plan to work in fairly clean places or are willing to forego a shot here and there when it's too dusty, the Linhof or other cameras like it would be fine. By the way, if you're interested, I'll sell the 45FA with 5 lensboards, right angle viewer, 90mm f8 Super Angulon and a 150 f5.6 Sironar for $2200. I have the original box and manual for the camera and it's in excellent to mint condition. Best of Luck in your search

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 1998

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    I've used a Linhof Tech III (actually 2) for about 12 years and the only thing I occasionally yearn for is a more precise tilt up front. As Trib notes, the drop bed combined with the front rise and then a fine tune with the rear standard, suits for a lot of extreme movement in a camera that doubles well as a battle axe. Consider using the money you save for top notch glass and you'll never regret it. Get yerself a 90mm 4.5 Grandagon (which the Tech III handles fine) and forget the lesser movements (the rear element slides in like... well like it was made for this camera). If you want to use shorter lenses you might need to go to the Tech IV. These cameras have tons of extension, I routinely use a 210mm. The section on Linhofs at this site (as previously noted) is really the best you can do short of takin' it out and moving it around...t

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    "If you want to use shorter lenses you might need to go to the Tech IV. "

    Let's not confuse people.

    The Technika IV, V and Master Technika all have the same wide angle capability.

    On these cameras you can use 72mm and longer lenses with no added accessories (other than the proper lensboard).

    You can add the Linhof Wide Angle Focusing Device to these cameras and then also use 55mm to 65mm lenses on the proper lens boards.

    On the Master Technika 2000 you can use lenses from 35mm up as this version, in place of the rangefinder, has a built-in wide angle focusing system in the camera body.

    So the proper answer is that all modern Technikas (1956 and later) have the same wide angle capability. The difference is the amount of movement in the later models as well as added strength in the bed for heavy lenses as full extension.

    Also, a major difference between early cameras (the III and IV) and later cameras with wide angle is the front rise. On the III and IV the control is behind the lens standard which makes using it with short lenses difficult. On the V and Master the control is in front of the standard.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    yes and few wide angle devices for the tech 111 come up for sale from time to time may not find one that matches the color of your tech but who cares....about the lens boards...there really is no problem finding these boards in fact nearly every large format specialist has some old ones sitting around some may even have a cam or two, and if you can't find a board you can always make one! someone out there is making new black and badged boards for the tech 111 too, but I don't want to step on Bob's toes so I'll refrain from directing you elsewhere. Tech 111's are pretty common you'll come to find and I don't think you'll have a problem with parts. I've even bought some tech IV lenses pre-mounted to tech IV boards and used them on my 111, but it won't work the other way around. p.s. Bob go ahead and send me one of those new tech 2000's I'll pay you later! heheee

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    ".about the lens boards...there really is no problem finding these boards in fact nearly every large format specialist has some old ones sitting around some may even have a cam or two, and if you can't find a board you can always make one! someone out there is making new black and badged boards for the tech 111 "

    Since the factory no longer makes parts or accessories for the III we are not very concerned about someone making lens boards for a III. BUT!

    The crest on a Linhof is a Trademark that has been registered for decades. It is a Linhof designed crest that incorporates parts of the Bavarian and Munich crests into a unique Trademark.

    I hope you don't mean to imply that someone is actually putting Linhof crests or copies of the crest on non-Linhof items and then selling them. That opens someone to litigation. After all. It is a Trademark.

    But I do know who we sold a lot of crests to so we will check and see if they would actually violate a Trademark and sell a counterfeit as a Linhof product.

    As to the lensboard the Wide Angle Focusing Device takes a Linhof 2x3 lensboard not a 45 one. These may not be quite as common.

    As to used cams. They simply don't work. No two III or IV cameras have the same film plane location. Each is individually calibrated. Unlike the V and Master who all have the same film plane location. Secondly the lenses that you buy are marked with a focal length that is not the actual focal length. The cams must be cut for the film plane location and the actual focal length of a specific lens. For this reason all cams that have been cut for a III or IV have the camera's serial number on the bottom and the lens serial number on the top.

    These cams will focus correctly only when they are used on the specific camera and lens whose numbers are engraved on the cam.

    Now some will try to compensate for the problem of mis-matched cams/lenses/bodies by adjusting the infinity stops to get to find a position where the cam tracks accurately for most of its' range. However by moving the infinity stops the set screw in them is pointed and leaves small indentations on the track that can't be removed.

    On the V and Master the film plane is zeroed so the cameras all focus at the same point. Therefore the cams for a V and Master are interchangeable between all V and Master Technikas and do focus correctly as long as the lens that it was cut for is used.

    In short old cams for III and IV Technikas and cams for V and Master technikas become no more than scrap metal once the items they have been cut for are no longer available! They only work properly when they are

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    Linhof Technika inquiry

    well if you guys sell the badges then you can't very well be mad or litigious towards those who do put them on boards.....I've personally never found it necessary to have a badged board and wonder why linhof affixes crests that won't stay put. On the cams...firstly a IV cam could never be mistaken to fit in a tech 111...but by chance you may find another 111 style cam that comes close...not a good way but I'm not prone to rangefinding with my tech, i use mine as an idiot-proof field camera...even so I imagine a good machinist could cut one using the IV cam as a pattern. On moving the infinity stops...the tech 111 has none so there are no stops to move...some tech 111 owners file notches into the rails as a stop so filing more notches isn't suggested but you can place the standard wherever you want and may find this works with mismatched cams through a certain range as bob said. This is very nitpicky stuff when you consider just how little you'll use the rangefinder and i've found after trying a half dozen cams a cam that works for my 240 and the #'s don't jibe...that's why if you can and need to be able to rangefind buy an outfit and check to see if the serial numbers match...good luck and don't obsess about being able to rangefind this camera....especially if you owned a may not care for the limited back moves but how much did you use them on your old dx?

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