something a little off topic, but i thought i'd ask the community here to see what sort of varied responses i get.

a couple of weeks ago i was shooting in the canadian rockies at a rather well-visited lake. before sunrise, i hiked to a spot i had scouted the previous day and set-up. about 20 minutes later, another photographer shows up and proceeds to set-up right next to me. we started chatting; i really enjoy meeting other photographers in the field and trading notes. there is no better way to learn about shooting in an area foreign to you then by talking with locals, as is evidenced by this forum. we had a really nice conversation and he clued me in to a few spots i was previously unaware of. the sunrise was a disappointing, but his information proved very helpful over the days that followed.

a short while later a group of four tourists came walking by. on seeing us with our tripods, they came and stood around us and proceeded to take a few pictures in the same direction we had our cameras trained in. the other photographer angrily said to them,

"You know, this is how i feed my kids... go find your own shots."

the tourists seemed a bit surprised, and quickly went on their way. i thought this outburst by the other photographer was rather rude and uncalled for. truth be told, i was a bit embarassed. i find that very often while setting up a shot folks will come and take pictures similar to the one i am taking. i don't get angry, and usually some very pleasant conversation ensues.

i was just wondering how some of you guys handle yourselves when in this situation.