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Thread: Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2004

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    I'll keep the story short.. I needed a shutter for my new 210mm lens and didnt have the $500 to spend for a SKgrimes mounting job so i made my own studio shutter. the accuracy depends on my reflexes.. but so far i am pleased with it ths is the first prototype later versions maybe a little sleeker looking.

    it accepts upto 77mm filter on the front. It doesnt vignette with the 210mm lens, and acts as a lens shade in bright sun!!

    I may custom build one for anyone that needs one.
    Its made out of maple and basswood so its not heavy but plenty strong

    in the photos its mounted on a sinar/horseman board on my 8x10 tachihara

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    Looks like a 100% guaranteed camera shake device to me. Packard shutters are still made, and they're CHEAP.
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2001

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    Hi Deniz

    What shutter speeds you get with it? How accurate are they? For me 8x10 film is to expensive to lose shoots because of shutter inacuracy! Just my opinion!

  4. #4

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    Agree with Bill completely. Why not front mount a Packard yourself and stop down for longer exposures. They are time tested, inexpensive, readily available in the used market and just flat out work. Even if there was no friction with the rails in your system, Murphy's law will tell you that at regular intervals something can and will go wrong. Innovation is a good thing, but why re-invent the wheel?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2004

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    the darkslide is made of 1mm thick black anodized aluminum.. its it smooth and slides between 2 black dense foam pieces that act as the light trap. darkslide doesnt reall touch anything else..there is enough friction to take your hand off of it when its open but its smooth enough that you can puch it down with no camera shake..

    as far as the accuracy goes,i did say that it is a studio shutter, meaning that it is made for exposures that are several seconds long. i wouldnt really reccomend this shutter for 1s and faster exposures..

    this wasn't really a serious project.. Just wanted to try it out..this is a great setup for those 10s of seconds of exposures...

  6. #6

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    Variation 1... the Davio shutter>>>> Cut a clean hole in the center of a 4x5 film holder, the edge of which will support, say... a Series 9 retaining ring, the stepdown adapter of your choice, or a lens hood. Epoxy the two together. Dark slide acts as a shutter. Guaranteed to be, at least, a conversation starter..... "I always thought those things went into the BACK of the camera."

  7. #7

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    Variation #2: the Pronto-Philippor shutter. Put a lens cap on the lens. Remove the lens cap for the timed exposure. Put back the lens cap in place. Et voilą! One more successful exposure. Techologically challenged photographers sometimes use a hat instead of a lens cap.

  8. #8
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
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    Sep 1998
    Rio Rancho, NM

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    Being techologically challenged, I tried the hat shutter, Philippe, and got grossly over-exposed film. I was very confused until a hip friend, who is up on all the latest techno-stuff, reminded me that my hat has a large hole in the middle of the crown, so as to fit over the pointed part of my head. ;-)

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2004

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    how bout i use it as an extension or recessed lensboard? got any objection to that?

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    St. Simons Island, Georgia

    Introducing THE DENIZ SHUTTER

    I've long used a piece of mat board covered with felt for a shutter on my barrel lenses. What I like about the Deniz shutter is that it works as a lens shade and offers a way to mount a filter on the front of the lens.

    Of course, a Packard shutter mounted behind the lens board would allow lens shades and filters to be mounted on the front of the lens, too.

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