I've had two lenses in shutters that have been cluttering up the place for almost a year---one is a Rodenstock Ysaron in a #1 prontor press, the other an umarked brass lens in a Universal #5. I bought these dirt cheap on ebay for the shutters but I've been unable to coax the elements out of the shutter's threads. A strap wrench is what I was told I needed, but at around $20 a wrench(and I'd need both a large and small wrenches) I figured I'd wait until I found someone who would loan me theirs or wait until they came on sale. At Harbor Frieght & Salvage, Alltrade brand strap wrenches are on sale 2/$5.00(both the large and small) Hot Dog! Within five minutes I've freed my shutters from their optical wardens and the Prontor is ready and able to mate with a G-Claron while the #5 will someday be wedded to that 19" f7.7 Dagor barrel I've dreamed about(the one I'll find someday in a box at a yard sale for two bucks along with an autographed first edition of Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast" & a couple of 12x20 F&S film holders;-))

Nope, I don't have stock in Harbor Frieght or Alltrade---I just thought I'd pass the word along to whoever else needs to liberate an old shutter from a stubborn lens and is on a budget.
