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  1. Replies

    Re: Biggest Lie

    This is a modern web culture moment when you step back from the question and ask yourself “is my time better spent cutting my toenails?”.
  2. Replies

    Re: What's going to become of photography?

    Did the lightbulb do away with the candle?
  3. Replies

    Re: Copied @ ARTIC

    I like it!
  4. Replies

    Re: My web site is again live

    Good for you. I'm glad you have recovered. We need your wisdom. I've gone through a similar period with a rare auto-immune disease which laid me flat, that was difficult to diagnose and which...
  5. Re: Feedback - Photobackpacker Cascade Film Holder Cases

    I use mine on every shoot. I have two of them and load them into my PBP backpack. I cut down a thing of post-it-notes and stick them in the pocket with a short pencil. I make notes on these about the...
  6. Replies

    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    Mine was free, a full ride, one of the best experiences of my life.

    But my favorite experience was helping my ex assistant, Zig Jackson, with his his career. A wonderful hard working poor Mandan...
  7. Replies

    Re: Digital IR

    Sweeeet Peter.
  8. Replies

    Re: Kostiner Archival Washer question

    I have never used the aerator as I don’t trust how it washes where the bubbles stick to the prints or film (I use mine for film also). Washing is actually a leaching process and I don’t rush it. I do...
  9. Replies

    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    “Art schools” as in MFA programs are booming. You can’t beat people away with a stick even though it is a flawed model for teaching and/or learning art.
  10. Replies

    Re: how old are we?

    The Vito, an agility champion as of June.

  11. Replies

    Re: how old are we?

    Merg, you are an inspiration in so many ways, even the beard :)
  12. Replies

    Re: how old are we?

    I was thinking of you as I was back in Chicago teaching at SAIC a few weeks ago, but my wife back in ABQ had a heart event and I had to cut it short, fly back, and finish the class on Zoom (a...
  13. Replies

    Re: how old are we?

    I went to my 35TH and fully a 1/3 of my class were dead already. So anyone vertical should be smilin. It wasn't my trip socially. It seemed to be dominated by posers-the same posers from back in the...
  14. Replies

    Re: How Many LF Formats Do You Use/Own?

    good answer.

    I long ago decided I needed fewer cameras but more film, gas, time to make meaningful images.
  15. Re: What are we allowed to talk about in the Lounge?

    I am probably largely responsible for the more strident moderation trend that began a few years back. This place was toxic in many ways or at least many of us thought so. Looking at the thread...
  16. Replies

    Re: How Many LF Formats Do You Use/Own?

    Just down to one Phillips 4x5 and one Linhof Super Technica 5x7. They are used frequently. They will probably outlive me.
  17. Replies

    Re: Music as analogy for LF photography

    I love many forms of music from Classical and Jazz to Grunge and Bluegrass. But when I am photographing I am fully present in the scene and everything else feels like a distraction. I want to feel...
  18. Re: Photo travel by vehicle, what's your favorite?

    Yeah mine was t-boned and totaled. I should have bought another one but the Highlander dropped in my lap. It was a Great car too. Both went 200k with only brakes, spark plugs and front struts.
  19. Re: Photo travel by vehicle, what's your favorite?

    a series of VW Camper Vans, then a Ram Charger, then a Toyota Tacoma 4x4, then a Toyota Highlander to currently Jan Pietrzak's GMC Yukon which he gave me as he was dying. The Yukon is my sentimental...
  20. Replies

    Re: Kostiner Archival Washer question

    I've used mine for decades with no air bubbles, as I replaced the valve myself-to long to explain (I may have it sitting around somewhere). I think the bubbles look cool but serve no real purpose.
  21. Poll: Re: Seeking 4x5 Lens Advice - Which Lens To Keep - Fujinon Or Nikkor 150mm 5.6

    Take this For what its worth (not much). I have had many lenses of both brands including those two. There is something subtle in the "look" of the negative that I prefer from the Nikons. Over the...
  22. Re: Why View Camera & Sheet Film Today, in our here and now?

    Exactly I tired of this argument 10 years ago.
  23. Replies

    Re: Digital IR

    [QUOTE=Peter De Smidt;1602626]

    Dude, very nicely done.
  24. Re: Precision and Accuracy in LF Photography: How much is enough?

    I like to concentrate on the image and not the technology when I shoot. I want the technology to be tested and dependable whether it is ISO, Zone placement, levels or whatever so I don't have to...
  25. Re: Best way to ensure appropriate DoF in interior shots?

    "The more I photograph, the less time I spend mulling over the image on the ground glass. I spend much more time selecting camera position, imagining where I want to place the plane of sharp focus,...
  26. Re: Best way to ensure appropriate DoF in interior shots?

    "as I am shooting color negative and would like to keep the shutter faster than 1 sec if possible."

    supplemental lighting, may the force be with you.
  27. Replies

    Re: 8x10 BTZS tube film scratches

    I use homemade PVC tubes for my 5x7s and BTZS tubes for my 4x5s. I buff out the inside of my tubes every couple of years with the fine steel wool in a setup on my drill like this in the picture. I do...
  28. Replies

    Re: Lightbox for film scanning

    I bought the same Kaiser and found my sample to be very uneven-shifting nearly 1/2 stop from top to bottom and not evenly. I'm shipping it back tomorrow. I think I should give another sample a try...
  29. Re: Linhof Technika lens standard will not stay in place

    I appreciate the help. I'm buried right now and can't work on this, but will soon. Thanks.
  30. Re: The business status thread

    Me too. No response.
  31. Re: Linhof Technika lens standard will not stay in place

    I may have the same problem. Can you explain further?
  32. Replies

    Re: How Much Have We Accomplished?

    Thanks. Nowhere USA is probably the safest place to be right now.
  33. Replies

    Re: How Much Have We Accomplished?

    Covid didnt slow me down so much as coincidental health problems. I had some weird virus in August that kicked my butt. I was tested twice for Covid and both were negative. But the virus morphed into...
  34. Replies

    Re: Quick releases for LF cameras

    To me it's important enough to organize my gear for speed and practice setting it up quickly. We have a saying here in NM "Don't like the weather? Wait 15 minutes." So maybe it's the rapidly...
  35. Re: Pens for marking or numbering film negatives - HABS & HAER guidance 2020.

    Gee thanks for that contribution.
  36. Replies

    Re: Quick releases clamps and plates

    I use the Crane with a variety of plates. I like the Crane because of the "catch and lock" feature. It gives an added level of security to me. I dropped a 5K camera/lens once because of fumbling with...
  37. Re: Pens for marking or numbering film negatives - HABS & HAER guidance 2020.

    HABS/HAER requires a project and negative number to be written on the base side of the film along the top edge in the rebate next to where the code notches are.
  38. Re: Pens for marking or numbering film negatives - HABS & HAER guidance 2020.

    Reading up on that on their website, as far as I can tell, they seem to be made for erasing non-permanent pigments. They don't seem to make anything to erase the permanent pigment inks.
  39. Re: Pens for marking or numbering film negatives - HABS & HAER guidance 2020.

    Another related question is removing the writing if you make a mistake. The only archival solution I know of is Pec-12 cleaning solution and it struggles to remove the Staedler Pigment Liner and...
  40. Re: Diffraction. When does it really matter with LF?

    I was giving a talk many years ago with Mark Citret, out in CA somewhere on architectural photography (Not commercial but more art/personal AP), maybe it was at the VC Conference in Carmel. We both...
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