View Full Version : DOF

22-Feb-1999, 01:04
I just started large format camera. And, I'd like to study about DOF. Does anybody recommend any good photo book about DOF for view camera? I've been shooting 35mm for a couple of years, so I have basic knowradges about DOF, but with view camera there are too many things which I have better to know to take a photograph.

Gary Frost
22-Feb-1999, 13:23
No discussion of DOF is complete without Merklingers books:


I would suggest both books as "Focusing the View Camera" alone is not complete without "The Ins & Outs of Focus".

I would only caution you to not be overwhelmed by the technical details or that you need to adopt his procedure/methods of focusing the view camera in the field. It really doesn't have to be so complicated.

Plenty of useful and practical information here that I have not found elsewhere.

Henry Stanley
22-Feb-1999, 20:58
ric -- Totally agree with Gary. Along those lines, please look in the archives below under "Technique." There is a world of practical information on this topic, a lot of good explanation, tips and a few healthy debates. Good shooting.