View Full Version : Fujimoto enlarger conversion

Bruce Crowther
28-Nov-2003, 00:59
I own a Fujimoto 450M-D enlarger, I would like to convert it from a condensor head to a variable contrast one.Can this be achieved? and who would I contact? I am based in Australia and information is scarce concerning this brand.Would greatly appreciate any leads on this subject.

Witold Grabiec
28-Nov-2003, 19:51

I've had no experience with Fujimoto, but I can easily say that any enlarger can be outfitted with any ligh source as these are two separate and "unrelated" parts. Enlarger provides rigid structure to keep all parts in alignement, and light source provides the exposure control (along with the lens of course).

Do you have a VC head in mind (or have been looking at something specific)? The adaptation of the new head is practically only the matter of mounting it to your existing lower portion of the enlarger head. At worst you will have to contact a machine shop to make an adapter that will match the two mounting systems.

I would first check how your enlarger and light source are connected and then look for a VC head that may have at least a similar shape, which it may make it easier to convert. This is however, not a requirement.

Tony Peacock
29-Nov-2003, 04:15
Bruce, I recently bought a Delight enlarger model DL451 which turned out to be a Fujimoto D450 M-C sold under a different name. The company I was directed to for a description of the Delight was in Australia called Ben Boardman's Photo Lab Warehouse Pty Ltd They were selling the delight enlargers, or at least had them on their web site at the time, and were offering secondhand units as well as spare and service.

Jobo sell the Fujmoto enlargers in the US.
there addresses are

www.benboardman.com.au and www.jobo.com and take the US link to products.

Hope this helps.

Andrew O'Neill
1-Dec-2003, 08:25
I have owned the 450M-D for about 10 years. I bought it when I lived in Japan. Over there it is called Lucky. Not all light heads will mount easily without a bit of work to this enlarger. The focusing rods (2 in behind the negative platform) get in the way. There isn't much room. When I added the Aristo 4500 VC head, I had to add about 5 cm to the negative stage so that the bottom of the 4500 would clear this metal box where the focusing rods passed through. At the time I purchased the 4500 there was no adapter available.