View Full Version : Imacon blue color streaks

21-Oct-2009, 01:09
Hi everyone.
Does anyone know why im getting these kind of marks on my scans? Its a closeup from a 4x5" VC film scanned on a Imacon precision III in ruffly 200mb/16bit.

I assume they are from the scanner, because I cant see anything on my negatives (might not be looking close enough). They always appear in different places and different amounts.

Thanks for any tips.

21-Oct-2009, 07:27
Those are scratches through a color layer of the emulsion.
I wrote a post about it on my blog (http://www.prepressexpress.com/blog.php?id=1213271936767273897).
Scanners seem to pick this up a lot more then traditional prints. It probably has to do with the light source.
If you look at your neg with flashlight or at an angle, you will see the scratches.

21-Oct-2009, 08:46
Ahh, that explains a lot. I better start rethinking how I load my negatives. Thanks for the reply.

21-Oct-2009, 16:01
No problem. Those kind of scratches are hard to pin down.
It looks like a piece of dust must have gotten between the holder and the film.
When it was slid in, it gouged a piece out. I started to use a tacky roller to clean my holders and its amazing how well they work.
You can pick them up at the drug store cheaply.