View Full Version : Can't copy tiff file from dvd

Ron Marshall
23-Sep-2007, 09:54
I just recieved a DVD containing the Tiff file of a scan of one of my negs. When I try to open or copy it to my hard disk I get a file system error: -2147351799.

I Googled this and apparently this is an error which occurs when a DVD is copied in contravention of copyright. How do I circumvent this restriction?

Dick Hilker
23-Sep-2007, 10:46
I'd go back to whoever furnished the scan and ask for a replacement that would work. Do you suppose their source of DVDs provided defective discs? I occasionally scan friends' negatives and give them the results on CDs or DVDs without any problems.

Ron Marshall
23-Sep-2007, 11:30
I'd go back to whoever furnished the scan and ask for a replacement that would work. Do you suppose their source of DVDs provided defective discs? I occasionally scan friends' negatives and give them the results on CDs or DVDs without any problems.

The problem is not the DVD or the scan, but the Microsoft operating system is not allowing the copy because it is interpreting it as an attempt to illegally copy a DVD. That is what I have to somehow circumvent.

Rob Champagne
23-Sep-2007, 12:14
it sounds like the operating system is doing what its supposed to do. The problem will have been caused by the software writing the disk and specifying that the the disk should be copy protected. The operating system is just saying that the disk says it shouldn't be copied. Get the disk recreated without copy protection.