View Full Version : TF-4 Rapid Fixer, an alkaline fixer

William Marderness
10-Jan-2000, 09:20
Does anyone have experience with TF-4 alkaline fixer. I have read in the Darkroo m Cookbook, that with this fixer, film is washed to archival standards in 2 minu tes without hypo clear. I have been using this fixer and like it. Has anyone tes ted the needed wash time with this fixer.

Erik Ryberg
10-Jan-2000, 11:34
I like this fixer too, and I generally trust what is said about in the Film Developer's Cookbook. However, you should be aware that the same guy who publishes the Cookbook produces the fixer commercially.

John Hicks
10-Jan-2000, 22:50
> same guy who publishes the Cookbook produces the fixer commercially.

Say what? What does Butterworth-Heinemann / Focal Press have to do with Photog raphers' Formulary?

Mike Kravit
11-Jan-2000, 22:10
I have been using TF-4 for film and prints for over a year now. I have stopped using all other fixers. Using TF-4, a 2 minute wash, 2 minutes in Perma Wash and another 2 minute wash I can detect no residual fixer in fiber base prints.

The truth is I still wash my prints for 30 minutes, perma wash for 2 minutes and wash again for 60 minutes.

BTW, the manufacturer say 1 minute in TF-4 is all that is required. Plus side is it has little smell compared to other fixers.