View Full Version : Kodak Announces Cancellation of Digital Products

Paul Metcalf
1-Apr-2006, 10:31
Sorry, had to do it.


neil poulsen
1-Apr-2006, 11:29
You rascal!

Patrik Roseen
1-Apr-2006, 11:32
I admit, I got fooled, I clicked the link ... Now that's the best one today... ;-)

John Flavell
1-Apr-2006, 12:48
On the other hand, would we miss it?

David G. Gagnon
1-Apr-2006, 14:54
Don't we have digits "on the other hand" also?


Great April fools joke!


John Flavell
1-Apr-2006, 15:43
I have the digits on both hands. Just not, "digit-all"

Scott Fleming
1-Apr-2006, 18:27
I bit.

Paul Schilliger
2-Apr-2006, 06:10

Colin Robertson
2-Apr-2006, 13:58
Ha. The real joke is, just as soon as Kodak perfect digital imaging and give the world a medium it can love, then they WILL cancel it. Just like kodachrome 25, verichrome pan, kodachrome 40 movie film, royal bromesko, ektalure. . . .