View Full Version : Tripos Head: To Fix or Not to Fix

Randy Becker
25-Mar-2006, 21:04
Hey all,

I have a foba super miniball head that needs repairing. Details not important.

What I am wondering is whether to fix it or get something else. While I have liked the head, there have been times I wanted an easier attachment for my camera. I have found the new bogen 468MG head with the standard screw attachment and it seems to be pretty nice. I am thinking it might be the way to go. It is lighter and would attach much faster yet it is new (and untested?) and I don't know about Bogen's ballheads in general. Can anyone fill in these gaps for me?

Thank you,

Dean Tomasula
26-Mar-2006, 12:05
Actually, the details are important. How can we possibly advise you whether or not to get your ball heah repaired if we don't know the nature of the damage.

26-Mar-2006, 14:02

I agree with Dean... details ARE important since we need to know what's wrong with the head in the first place before making a suggestion! :)

That said... are you using this head with a 4x5?

Reason I'm asking is because I also use to employ a ball head with my 4x5 and, personally, found it to be a pita to use. I switched to one of the Manfrotto geared heads (Model 410) and love it. It's maximum weight capacity is 5kg... more than enough for my camera. And, far lighter than the ball head I use to use! :)

Just a suggestion...

As for repairing your ball head... what have you got to lose by sending it in for an estimate for repair?

At least, that's what I'd do! :)


Randy Becker
26-Mar-2006, 14:53
Ok, you're right. Details are important. My ballhead's locking handle's spindle is coming out of the body. This spindle seems to be press fitted (sp?) into the main body and the handle attaches onto it with a little locking screw. The spindle seems to be no longer pressed into the body. Or at least whatever is holding it in is no longer doing so.

Yes, I use it with my 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10 cameras and yes, it is a pain when I want a little movement. I originally got a ballhead because it didn't have the big handles sticking out which always hit me in the head when I have the tripod strapped to my backpack. The pain of using a ball head with large format was a fair trade for not having bumps on my head when I got to where I was shooting.

I have also been using it with my smaller cameras and found the ballhead actually convenient for making small adjustments while looking through the viewfinder.

My only gripe with it has been about what I must do to attach a camera. Because the head has no way to turn just the mounting screw, I find I must loosen the 360 degree base allowing me to turn the entire head (with the ball securely locked) so the screw works its way into the mounting hole on the bottom of the camera. The bogen has thumb turning devices which turn the mounting screw without having to turn the entire head. Last but not least, the Foba's locking lever locks at BOTH ends of the swing. That is, from a locked position (say down for argument's sake) lifting on the lever will unlock it then re-lock it when you come to the top of the lever's arc.

So while I am indeed sending it to Foba for an estimate, I was wondering if anyone here has used any of the new Bogen ballheads and could give me a field report about how it works.

Phew! I'm glad I'm done with that explanation! :)

Thanks again,

David Crossley
26-Mar-2006, 21:48
Unfortunately Randy, the Foba Mini is not quite as reliable as it's big brother the sturdy & bullet proof Superball. But it's pretty good. If your even a little bit handy you can repair it for yourself.

I have one on my smaller gitzo's that i backpack with, and from time to time that little pressed on ring (fits over spindle) on the opposite side from the lock lever pops out. I used to just tap (use a wooden drift) it back in & the thing would stay put for a few months. I finally hand filed a burr on the inside edge and gently tapped it back in place and presto no more problems (2yrs & counting).

What you need on the top of your Mini is a quick release, either pick one up from B&H, or someone like Kirk or similar.

David Crossley/Crossley Photography....

neil poulsen
27-Mar-2006, 09:46
This reminds me of an old Linhof head I have. The part that screws onto the tripod is press-fitted into a cylendrical hole on the bottom of the head. It easily comes out, letting the head and camera fall off the tripod. And, this head was designed for large cameras. Unbelievable.

This is what's called, "Bad Design!"

You could get it fixed, but it would eventually fall apart again. It's better to get something different.

Randy Becker
27-Mar-2006, 15:33
That's what I'm thinking too. For what the silly thing cost, I would have thought it would have lasted longer. And this isn't the first time I've had a problem with it (different problem though).

Thanks to all.


David Crossley
28-Mar-2006, 07:59
<For what the silly thing cost, I would have thought it would have lasted longer.>

Don't feel too bad Neill, the cost and reminder of the 3 B1s (aka best ballhead money can buy/aka continually crapping out ) i bought and sold off still leaves a sour taste in my mouth. At least the little Foba can be repaired.

Good Luck.

David Crossley/Crossley Photography....